“WP Guppy Pro” Documentation by “Amentotech”

“WP Guppy Pro”

Created: 06 November 2021
By: Amentotech
Email: help.amentotech@gmail.com

Thank you for purchasing our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!

Table of Contents

  1. Download
  2. JWT web tokens

Download - top

Upon downloading the zip package file from codecanyon, you'll have all files you need inside. Zip package contains the following files and

To install this plugin you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. For more information regarding installing the WordPress, please visit below mentioned URL

Installing Wordpress

When you are ready to install a plugin, you must first upload the plugin files and then activate the plugin. For this purpose, unzip the file that you downloaded from codecanyon and there you would find the (wp-guppy.zip) file and upload it via WordPress installer. The plugin files can be uploaded in two ways

Installation - top

WordPress Upload

Settings - top

General settings

To access the general setting, go to WP guppy > General. Here you will see many useful settings for your messenger chat and chat role assigning etc.

Add messenger to any page?

In general settings, you will see the shortcode copy and put it anywhere in the WordPress site to show the messenger page.

Manage user chat roles

In general settings, you will see role management, where the admin can manage user chat roles with a few clicks.

WooCommerce compatibility

To enable the "WP Guppy Product base chat" on the product pages for specific role-based users, simply go to the WP Guppy tab > General from your WordPress admin and select products type from Allow post types for that user role,and hit the save changes button on the bottom.

It will show the Start chat button on the product listing page. And also, it will automatically open a chat window on the product detail page to start a quick chat. (See screenshots below)

Chat tabs

In chat tabs, admin can set default active tabs as well as which tab to show on the front-end. Like admin can hide Blocked users list

WhatsApp support feature

To enable the WhatsApp support feature, you need to perform a few steps.


You can change primary, secondary and text color


Real time chat


This is required part of our plugin, otherwise your chat will not be real-time and you have to refresh the page to get new messages

Admin can enable to disable the pusher, if enable then real-time notifications and chat will work. We have used Pusher.com Channels API This API is free for 100 concurrent connections. If your usage is more than 100 concurrent connections then you must buy their plan.

Clients events

To enable client events like (type indicator) you must need to enable client events.You can enable it in your pusher channel app settings.

Real-time Online Presence

If you want to set up a pusher for a real-time chat, you need to add a webhook file path in your pusher account app settings.

Just log in to your pusher account, go to the webhook menu and add the endpoint e.g.

( https://addyourdomain.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-guppy/pusher-online-indicator.php )

Don't forget to select the event type as "Presence" and hit the save button.

Note, please make sure your URL path should be the same from here onward (wp-content/plugins/wp-guppy/pusher-online-indicator.php)

Note ( If you're using the Node server for real-time chat, you don't need to do anything. )

Node server View full video description here

Socket.io and Node server can be used for real-time chat experience


Admin can reset database in one click, please note upon reset database your all the chat data will be lost. So please be careful and keep the backup before run this action


Admin can change each text string from the plugin settings

Report a user

Any logged in user can report an other user via email. Admin can setup report a user reasons from the back-end


Admin can control all the email templates from the back-end. For example we added report a user email template.

JWT Authentication

While using the WPGuppy plugin you need to make sure that your hosting service enabled the Authorization header because we are using JWT for authentication that needs authorization header, if your hosting server disabled the Authorization header then you need to enable it in the .htaccess file for example.

      RewriteEngine on
      RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
      RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]
      SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1

You can check the Authorization header in the network tab

Libraries and API used in WP Guppy Pro

Since version 1.0 - top

Released on 06 November, 2021

- Released WP Guppy Pro – WordPress live chat plugin.